On The Anniversary of George Floyd’s Murder, DEI Is Under Attack


This story was originally published in the Forward. Click here to get the Forward’s free email newsletters delivered to your inbox. Three years ago today, George Floyd (z”l) was murdered […]

Who The Folk?! Corey Gordon


What’s it like to be part of the most-watched trial in the country for a generation? We find out when we talk to Corey Gordon, a longtime attorney who was […]

100 Years Later: JCRC Commemorates Centennial of Duluth Lynching


The memorial in downtown Duluth calls us to remember the murder of those three young black men, reflect on our nation’s ongoing struggle with racism and white supremacy, and to speak out against injustice.

Anti-Racist Resources for Jews


Jump To: Everyday Action | Front Line Actions | Jewish Community & JoC-Led Orgs | Resource Sharing ($$$) | Resource Sharing (Goods & Services) | Anti-Racist (Un)Learning Resources | (Un)Learning with Kids | […]

Taking A Stand & Taking Action


Enzi Tanner makes a very important distinction in how he identifies. Sometimes he’s OK with being identified more broadly as a Jew of Color. But right now, he prefers to […]

Abolishing MPD Isn’t As Radical As It Sounds


Abolishing the Minneapolis Police Department isn’t as radical as it sounds to most people. If you’re like many Twin Cities residents, you may be thinking “alright, it’s obvious the system […]

Where Was the “Peace” 400 Years Ago?


(Editor’s note: This piece contains strong language) My father is the most peaceful man I know. A few years ago, he came home from the watch store, and told us […]

Finding Comfort In My Tallit


I started wearing a tallit for the first time in my life in November of 2018 at age 39. It took me a very long time to get there at […]

TC Rabbis Among Hundreds In Silent Marches


Over the course of seven blocks on Tuesday afternoon, nearly 1,000 clergy members of all faiths made the slow — and silent — walk from the Sabatini Community Center, along […]