Who The Folk?! Laura Monn Ginsburg


For this week’s Who The Folk?! Podcast, we’re going to be handing it off to Enzi Tanner and his podcast Kuumba Hineni. Late last week, Enzi spoke with Laura Monn […]

Who The Folk?! Naomi Silber


This past week may have been the hardest Naomi Silber has ever worked. And since her job is development director of Pro-Choice Minnesota, that would make sense. In the wake […]

Jew Review: Tzedek Box App


Nowadays, it seems like there’s an app for everything- ordering food, shopping for clothes, or even telling you what you missed when you go to the restroom during a movie. […]

Hennepin County Approves $1M In Anti-Hate Funding


While the Communities Combatting Hate Coalition didn’t have success in the state legislature getting a hate crimes law passed, the Hennepin County Commissioners stepped into the void. Last week, the […]

The Crisis Of Dishonor


“Who is honored? One who honors others.” –Ben Zoma, Pirkei Avot (Ethics of the Sages) The word COVID may be a conjunction of sorts, but the Hebrew Kavod or Kuvid is translated to mean Honor. “Kol […]