Overcoming Antisemitism To Find A Welcoming Community


“Welcome to the tribe,” said the Jewish caterer, with sincerity and a big grin, as we met to discuss the food choices for my wedding reception. I had no idea […]

We Are Not Immune: Judaism & Alcoholism


I did not know how I was going to face that day. But I did know two things: 1. My husband was an alcoholic. 2. I could not live like this anymore.

A Convert’s Passover: Lutefisk Out Of Water


As a convert to Judaism, there is a part of me that will always feel a bit like Lutefisk trying to be Gefilte fish. My first Passover Seder was no exception.

Losing Rabinowitz and Becoming Mrs. Palmer


I got married fairly young, 25, and couldn’t wait to get rid of my birth name: Rabinowitz. In my mind, this name is overtly Jewish, and I was judged on it before people got to know me.