26 July 2024

Dip Into Mikveh: A Summer Lake Immersion

Join Maayanot, along with J-Pride for an immersion. Never immersed in a mikveh? Regular immersee? Whether you are part of the J-Pride community or not, all are welcome to participate in this ancient-renewed ritual of full body immersion. If you are marking a special event, a milestone moment, or something else, we hope you join […]

Honoring Personal Growth: A Summer Lake Immersion

Join Maayanot and Twin Cities Mussar for a summer lake immersion. Honor your personal growth from the past year with the meaningful Jewish ritual of mikveh, full body water immersion. Bring a friend, partner, or companion and renew your intentions for living life in alignment with your closest held values. All are welcome. We suggest […]

Elul Mikveh Lake Immersion

Join Maayanot and Hineni for an Elul Lake Immersion. The month of Elul launches the High Holy Day season with a time for reflection and introspection. Immersing in water can help us prepare our bodies and souls for a New Year with the potential for renewal and transformation. Whether you are preparing for the High […]
