26 July 2024

A Prayer for Our Country: a Brief History of Compromise and Resistance

Shir Tikvah Congregation, Twin Cities, MN 1360 W Minnehaha Pkwy, Minneapolis, MN, United States

For the last two centuries, Jewish liturgists have framed a variety of prayers for their diasporic, home countries and governments. While patriotic on their face, these prayers often contain subtle notes of ambivalence and protest, providing a rich lens into the relationship between Jews and nation states. In this text study, we’ll read a variety […]

Judaism Embodied

Shir Tikvah Congregation, Twin Cities, MN 1360 W Minnehaha Pkwy, Minneapolis, MN, United States

Between the sorrow of Tisha B’Av, recalling the destruction of the Temple, and the reflective month of Elul comes Tu B’ Av. Called the Jewish “Valentine’s Day,” the holiday was marked by a call to go into the fields and dance. This workshop will focus on embracing this call to move and rejoice in nature, […]
