Welcome to “Who the Folk?!” Every week on Monday we feature a new member of the community as our “Person of the Week.” Last week week we got to know Yitzy Kasowitz AND Libby Parker. This week meet Eli Swaden! Know someone we should feature? Nominate them by sending an email to bradley@tcjewfolk.com.
TC Jewfolk: Are you from the Twin Cities?
Eli: I am not from the twin cities. I was born in Kansas City, MO and lived in Overland Park until I was 6, then moved to Minnetonka with my family (my dad is from St.Paul).
TCJ: You’re going to be living in the new Moishe House starting up in the Twin Cities. Give us the book flap summary of the organization and your role in it.
Eli: Moishe House is a communal living situation that provides meaningful Jewish experiences to young adults in their 20s. Our innovative model trains, supports and sponsors young Jewish leaders as they create vibrant home-based communities for themselves and their peers. My role is simply to be a part of and create this in the Minneapolis area. My goal is to create a open community to young jewish adults in all aspects to come together and enjoy many art, outdoors, community bonding and social action projects together.
TCJ: Got anything in the works already?
Eli: Lots in the works already! We have been spreading the word through many local jewish programs throughout the twin cities. Makai Dorfman is another guy who will be living in the Moishe House, who is well known in the Jewish community for his garden building skills, as well as other wonderful work. We will be having a Hanukkah get together soon with information and lots of yummy treats. There will be a lot of information out about that shortly.
TCJ: Are you involved in any other TC organizations?
Eli: I am the afternoon PreK/toddler teacher at Shalom Yeladim preschool, located at Bet Shalom synagogue. I am also the soccer coordinator/coach at MNYC a Minneapolis non profit.
TCJ: We’re taking an informal survey. Which of the many Jewish summer camps gets you most ferklempt?
Eli: Most definitely good ol’ Herzl.
TCJ: What’s your favorite way to celebrate Shabbat?
Eli: Up north at my parents house, over looking the beautiful lake sunset. Although it doesn’t happen too often, by far my favorite Shabbats.
TCJ: What’s your favorite Jewish food?
Eli: Sweet kugel! It’s so tasty! There are many right behind it. There is so much great Jewish food.
TCJ: Who is the coolest Jew?
Eli: Well there are a lot of cool Jews out there and any Jew is cool with me, but I’d have to say my friend Yossi of Yosef Kakou. He lives in Israel and recently got married. He does weekly Torah portion rapscallions his Facebook and YouTube. Pretty sweet you should check him out.
TCJ: What’s your favorite thing to do in the Cities?
Eli: Bike around on my fixie in the summer all night and watch he sunrise. Also the walker, concerts and local breweries and food are always fun!
TCJ: What else do you do for fun?
Eli: Anything outdoors. Biking, longboarding, rock climbing, hiking, gardening and recently learning meditation thanks to a great friend of mine. Music is also a staple to my life.
TCJ: Give us one more reason why you’re folking awesome!
Eli: Because I simply love myself!:)
Click here to nominate your favorite TC Jew to be featured on our weekly Who the Folk?! series!
Is that a Bedlington Terrier?!