Keren Or Featured: Revaya Davis

Revaya Davis, an 8th grader, is one of this year’s Keren Or (Ray of Light) creative arts contest winners. She won 1st place in 7-9 grade poetry for “Flying Free” and Honorable Mention for “Two Lonely Geese.” Here’s a Q&A with her about her work!


What and/or who inspires your creative practice?

Ms. Thor, the art teacher at HMJDS, and Mr. Stair, my poetry teacher.

What impact does winning Keren Or have on you personally and your work?

It inspires me to create more works and to continue participating in Keren Or throughout the coming years.

Why did you create the art you did, and what message do you hope people take away from it?

I really love animals, and I hope that people will raise more awareness about protecting the environment.

Share a fun fact about yourself that you’d like people to know?

I love figure skating.