Keren Or Featured: Isa Melendez

Isa Melendez, an 8th grader, is one of this year’s Keren Or (Ray of Light) creative arts contest winners. She won 1st Place in 7-9 grade photograhy for “Feathers.” Here’s a Q&A with her about her work!


Why did you create the art you did, and what message do you hope people take away from it?

I was exploring the style of special effect photos, and I hope people take away whatever they think of from it.

What does creating art mean to you and why is it important to you?

It means being creative and doing something that I enjoy, and it is important to me because it’s a nice skill to have.

Share a fun fact about yourself that you’d like people to know?

I like to do hip hop dancing and downhill skiing, and I also like to do creative writing.