Keren Or Featured: Eliora Estrin

Eliora Estrin, an 8th grader, is one of this year’s Keren Or (Ray of Light) creative arts contest winners. She won 2nd place in 7-9 grade poetry for “Butterflies in the Sun,” and Honorable Mention for “Waiting.” Here’s a Q&A with her about her work!


What and/or who inspires your creative practice?

Reading books (I like to write in the perspective of different characters). I love to read horror books.

Why did you create the art you did, and what message do you hope people take away from it?

I created my poems to represent something larger. I hope people take away whatever message they see hidden in the words.

What does creating art mean to you and why is it important to you?

It is important to me because it makes me feel alive when I write, and I love sharing my work with others so they can feel what I write too.