Blueprints for Blood Libel

How was it possible for the Torah to so accurately predict such things? Was it so obvious that Jews had a big “Kick me” sign painted on their collective foreheads even 3000 years ago?

Terror in the Name of Immodesty

How can we, as Jews, and Israelis, ask other countries to compromise with us on big political issues, such as borders and water and citizens, when we can’t even compromise with ourselves over whether a woman should be allowed to wear pants?

Talking to Kids about Tragic Events and Empathy

High Schooler Jack Jablonski’s paralysis during a hockey game reminds us how tragedy can change our lives unexpectedly. JFCS Health Youth-Healthy Communities Specialist Brittany talks about how to discuss this event with your kids.

"Must Read" Jewish Books of 2011

The holidays are over, the coffee-table books have all been unwrapped and set aside, and winter isn’t going anywhere. Settle in for some good reading. Literary critic D. G. Myers here presents the 38 best Jewish books of 2011, all of which merit your attention.

As an Israeli: Tests of Strength Within

At Hanukkah, we talk about heroes, heroic acts, and victories. Some heroic acts are a victory of few against many. Sometimes it is a victory of human vs. nature. And sometimes, it’s about our own little victories over our challenges within.