TTSP Welcomes Jessie Lavintman As Interim Newman School Director


Talmud Torah of St. Paul and the Newman School are excited to welcome Jessie Lavintman as the interim Newman School director for the upcoming school year. Jessie succeeds Heidi Tarshish, […]

Jewish Song of the Week: ‘With Compassion’ by Claudia Sachs and Marc Luban


If you’ve been following Jewish Song of the Week for a while, you’ve heard me mention JRR’s Jewish Star leadership initiative. Jewish Star identifies talented and passionate teens and young […]

Who The Folk?! Eli Goldman


Eli Goldman spends the school year playing soccer for the University of New Hampshire, but now that it’s off-season for the Wildcats, he plays attacking midfielder for the Minneapolis City […]

Who The Folk?! Rachel Sher


Rachel Sher has worked all around the Twin Cities Jewish community, and after leaving for an opportunity in New York, she decided it’s time to come home. Sher starts this […]