Play TC Jewfolk’s Hanukkah Bingo


It’s Hanukkah! Time for family, candles, presents, and of course a house smelling of oil (unless you air fry your latkes). But while we have light from candles, it’s also […]

Jewish Song of the Week: ‘Sufganiyot’ by Ellen Allard


When it comes to Jewish songs about food, Chanukah is the winner by a landslide! While most of that singing is about crispy golden-fried potato latkes — there are also […]

Unraveling Joy


This is an excerpt from Jenna Zark‘s new book Crooked Lines: A Single Mom’s Jewish Journey, which began life at TC Jewfolk and was published by Koehler Books in September. […]

Jewish Song of the Week: ‘Ushmor’ Performed by Zac Gondelman


When I think of Sukkot, I think of cozy fall evenings gathered in the Sukkah with great food and even better company! While the words of “Hashkiveinu” are part of […]

Sukkah Delicious


This is an excerpt from Jenna Zark‘s new book Crooked Lines: A Single Mom’s Jewish Journey, which began life at TC Jewfolk and was published by Koehler Books in September. […]

Jewish Song of the Week: ‘Al Cheit’ by Joanie Leeds


As parents of kids of any age, talking about the themes of Yom Kippur can be difficult — like explaining what a “cheit” or “sin” means. Having a song that […]

Making Resolutions for Rosh Hashanah, and Beyond


“This year I will exercise more.” “I promise to donate more money to charity.” “My goal this year is to read a book for 20 minutes more each day.” “And […]

Jewish Song of the Week: ‘Turn Around’ by Alison Faith Levy


The word “t’shuvah” is one we hear a LOT during the High Holidays! Typically, it’s translated as repentance, but the Hebrew literally means “returning.” Alison Faith Levy is a fantastic […]