What Happens When My Guests Don’t Eat Rosh Hashanah Staples?


Got a question? Fill out this form to submit your anonymous question to be answered in a future column. Dear Miriam, I am having a number of people over for […]

Quiet Your Soul


Part One of a Three-Part Series on Shabbat The celebrated author, Aldous Huxley, published The Perennial Philosophy in 1945. He called his era, “the age of noise,” and railed against […]

Elul, My Favorite Month


I know, I know. The month of Elul should inspire awe and fear. I have heard stories of people in previous generations who would tremble when Rosh Chodesh Elul (the […]

To Covet or Not To Covet


A FEW DAYS BEFORE Shavuot some years back, I got an intriguing invitation from Rabbi Zalman at Chabad, who was putting together a Tikkun Leil (special evening service) for the […]

Jewish Song of the Week: ‘Adonai S’fatai’ by Charlie Kramer


February is Jewish Disability Awareness and Inclusion Month, which immediately made me think of my buddy Charlie Kramer.  Charlie is a super-talented Jewish singer-songwriter who has shared his experience with […]

A Prayer For Voting


Shared by Beth El Synagogue’s Kesher daily email. This prayer is not a prayer about winning or getting other people on your side. It’s a prayer that we learn to […]