Minnesota Rabbinical Association Pens Letter To UMN Administration


Dear University of Minnesota Administration, This week Jews all over the world are celebrating Passover, the holiday commemorating the Israelites’ Exodus from slavery in Egypt during the biblical period. In […]

Rabbi Zimmerman on Passover as a Powerful Pedagogic Experience


When Passover approaches, I often reflect on the ways that the ancient and communal ritual of the seder is also very personal. For me, the essence of Passover has been […]

Thanksgiving In A Time Of Rising Antisemitism


Even as scenes of Neo-Nazis marching down the streets of Madison, Wis., where my son goes to college play over and over in my mind, on this Thanksgiving, I am […]

Quiet Your Soul


Part One of a Three-Part Series on Shabbat The celebrated author, Aldous Huxley, published The Perennial Philosophy in 1945. He called his era, “the age of noise,” and railed against […]

A Rabbi’s Plea To Vote Between Now And Nov. 8


On the secular anniversary of the horrific shooting at Tree of Life synagogue in Pittsburgh four years ago, I write as a rabbi who has stayed out of partisan politics […]

Moving from Constriction: A Passover 2022 Message


This year, the Passover journey from Egypt and slavery to freedom and human dignity feels particularly poignant. The Hebrew word for Egypt, mitzrayim, also connotes “the narrow place,” a place […]