New Contributor: Jason Kapel

About me? Well, I’m a self aware liberal who works for one of the country’s largest health insurance companies. Last week I didn’t know whether to join the protestors outside our building or shout them down. Apparently centuries of Jewish guilt running through my veins isn’t enough for me to deal with.

Our Pro-Israel Lobby: J Street, AIPAC, and You

The Jewish world is abuzz with news of J Street’s first national conference next week in Washington, D.C., entitled “Driving Change, Securing Peace.” J-Street is seen by some as the new “pro-Israel, pro-peace” lobby and brands itself as “the new address for Middle East peace and security.”

Shavua Tov: This Week’s Jewish News

From the Family Guy’s Jewish episode to the announcement that the President of Iran has Jewish blood, this week has been an exciting and controversial Jewish news week. Let’s get you caught up a bit. Sit back, grab a bagel, and don’t forget to turn on your computer speakers. It’s time for Shavua Tov – your peek at the Jewish news we couldn’t fit on the blog this week.

Calling all Minnesota Jewish artists!

Don’t miss out on these hot opportunities (with upcoming deadlines) for Minnesota Jewish artists to hone artistic skills, exhibit art in the Twin Cities, and travel to deepen the understanding of the creative process, enhance current work, or create new work.

Shavua Tov – this week’s Jewish news, Sukkot edition

Shavua Tov and Happy Sukkot! As you cluster together this next week in the little huts in your backyards, porches, or apartment balconies to celebrate this holiday of harvest, family, food and history, we hope you’ll bring your laptop with you, or at least print out these Jewish news stories. Here’s a look back and what happened this past week in the Jewish world – Gilad Shalit spoke, the Coen Brothers movie opened, and Haifa scientists made a revolutionary breakthrough (again!). Check it out.

Ruth F. Brin – esteemed Jewish author, poet and scholar, dies at the age of 88

Ruth F. Brin was a literary pioneer famous for her authentic Jewish poetry, prayer services, scholarly articles, children’s books, librettos, a memoir, and most recently, at the age of 86, her first novel. She was born in Saint Paul, Minnesota, and lived in Minneapolis until her death, at the age of 88, on Wednesday, September 30th. However, her poetry and teachings have moved beyond the Twin Cities, filling the pages of Reconstructionist, Reform and Conservative prayer books used in synagogues around the country.