My House of Cards
As the holiday season nears its end, I analyze the cards that adorn my pantry door.
As the holiday season nears its end, I analyze the cards that adorn my pantry door.
A Jewish baseball player has his major league dreams taken away from him and 7 years later is still trying to make them come true.
The Two Jews On Parenting discuss baby gear – from what they love to some of the biggest fails.
Minneapolis’ own food guru, Andrew Zimmern, calls out Saffron’s Chef Wadi for an apparent anti-Israel slight.
With The Sunshine Boys, I cross another Neil Simon classic off my list.
Three self-proclaimed experts attempt to find the best bagel in the Twin Cities – and are shocked by the results.
When you have two kids, who gets the raw end of the deal? These two younger siblings take on the debate.
Looking forward to a visit from my parents and the one thing my dad ever cooked for me.
Hanging out in the desert, thinking about Moses, and eating corned beef. TC Jewfolk writer Jeff Mandell reviews “Manhattan in the Desert,” the Twin City-run deli in Palm Springs, CA.
The 2012 Minnesota Twins won’t win the World Series, but they’re one of the Jewiest teams in the Major Leagues.