When Do I Say Kaddish?


Some years ago one of my elderly relatives remarried. Her new husband Shimon, was a Holocaust survivor whose relatives had been deported from France and murdered in Auschwitz, but he […]

Just In Case


My wife and her family taught me how to encounter death. Before I met them, I had experienced predictable loss, like grandparents who died after living full lives. No one […]

Time Has Stood Still


Today is October 7, 2023. It has been October 7, 2023 for 365 days for many of us. Time has stood still. First we learned about the atrocities inflicted upon […]

One Year Later


YAFO, Israel – A visitor (of which there are very few these days) might comment on how relatively normal life looks in Israel, even after a year of war. The […]

Taking a Risk for a Sweet Year


The thing about honey is, it isn’t simple like sugar. Cultivating sugar cane requires a great deal of effort, tending to the fields in blazing heat, processing and extracting the […]

Why Do We Say This Special Psalm In Elul?


When we returned to my mother’s flat after she died, her siddur was lying on the table where she always sat when she davened in the morning. The bookmark was […]

Life is for the Living


One afternoon when I was in my early twenties, I was sitting with my dad by his and my mom’s townhome pool in Scottsdale, Arizona, lamenting over the fact that […]

An Unwanted First On Father’s Day


My dad was a notorious early riser and even after I had been living in the Midwest for 15 years, he never figured out the difference in time zones. In […]