How To Find Graditude In Cloudy Disappointment?


Got a question? Fill out this form to submit your anonymous question to be answered in a future column. Dear Readers,  In place of a question from one of you, […]

Navigating Tricky Israel Interactions At Synagogue


Got a question? Fill out this form to submit your anonymous question to be answered in a future column. Dear Miriam, I just learned that someone who works at my […]

What To Do When I Don’t Want To Host Two Seders?


Got a question? Fill out this form to submit your anonymous question to be answered in a future column. Dear Miriam, I hosted both seders last year and vowed never […]

When Can I let My Kids Roam The Synagogue?


Got a question? Fill out this form to submit your anonymous question to be answered in a future column. Dear Miriam, How old and/or what behaviors should kids have before […]

How Do I Retrieve A Lost Item From A Shiva House?


Dear Miriam,  I can’t find my earbuds. I’ve retraced my steps, and the only place I think they could be are the shiva house I went to earlier this week. […]

Can I Wear The Same Dress To Three Weddings?


Got a question? Fill out this form to submit your anonymous question to be answered in a future column. Dear Miriam, I have three weddings coming up this spring/summer. I […]

Did My Niece & Nephew Get The Gifts I Sent?


Got a question? Fill out this form to submit your anonymous question to be answered in a future column. Dear Miriam,  I sent my niece and nephew gifts for Hanukkah, […]