Jewish Song of the Week: ‘With Compassion’ by Claudia Sachs and Marc Luban


If you’ve been following Jewish Song of the Week for a while, you’ve heard me mention JRR’s Jewish Star leadership initiative. Jewish Star identifies talented and passionate teens and young […]

Jewish Song of the Week: ‘Mi Famiya’ by Sarah Aroeste


Tu B’Av is a Jewish holiday that celebrates romantic love, but in the same way that Valentine’s Day can express all kinds of love, this holiday is also a great […]

Jewish Song of the Week: ‘Sim Shalom’ by Susan Lewis Friedman


One of the MANY accomplishments of Jewish Rock Radio that I’m very proud of is the group we helped coalesce in Chicago — JRR Chicago Sings. Under the leadership of […]

Single Mom Seeks Mezuzah


Jenna Zark‘s new book Crooked Lines: A Single Mom’s Jewish Journey began life at TC Jewfolk and will be published by Koehler Books on September 5. Read the opening chapter […]

Got Tired Teens? ‘The Sleep-Deprived Teen’ Explains Why


It was the fall of 2015, and Lisa Lewis’ son had just begun his freshman year of high school. The family was prepared for the various challenges that a demanding […]

Jewish Song of the Week: ‘Esa Einai’ by Jackson Mercer


We’ve just entered a period in the Jewish calendar called “The Three Weeks,” in which we turn our attention to the many tragedies that we’ve faced historically as a Jewish […]