You're Invited: J Street Minnesota Presents…

This is a guest post by Andrew Luger, a Partner at Greene Espel and Board Member of J Street Minnesota.
On October 20, 2010, the Minnesota chapter of J Street will host an exciting evening with two excellent speakers. The event will take place at Mount Zion synagogue in St. Paul. Jeremy Ben-Ami, the founder and president of J Street, and Colette Avital, a former Israeli ambassador and Deputy Speaker in the Knesset, will speak on the need for a two state solution to the Israeli-Palestinian conflict. The entire community is invited to hear from these speakers, and to learn more about J Street.
This will be J Street’s first large event in the Twin Cities, and it is a good chance to introduce J Street to the Jewish community.
I became involved in J Street nationally and at the local level after my college-aged daughter began an internship in the Washington, D.C. office. This summer, Stephanie was exposed to Israeli military and political leaders, as well as long time pro-Israel American Jews who have dedicated their lives to the cause of working for peace in the Middle East. Stephanie is working on an honors thesis on the conflict, and chose this internship before heading off to Hebrew University. Her enthusiasm for the work of J Street, and the people she met, caused me to get involved.
J Street is a relatively young national Pro-Israel, Pro-Peace organization founded on the belief that the long term security of Israel and the United States depends on a two state solution to the conflict in the Middle East. J Street has attracted support nationally from American Jews like me who have been looking for a way to support Israel in a manner consistent with our ideals and beliefs. Over 500 Rabbis nationally have joined the J Street Rabbinic Cabinet, and leaders from around the United States are actively involved on a regular basis in forming policy, building the organization and reaching out to Israeli supporters such as Ambassador Avital and many others.
For me, J Street has provided an inspiring alternative voice in our community. In addition to lobbying for and providing education on the need for a two state solution, J Street has a political action committee that supports pro-Israel, pro-Peace candidates nationwide.
I am pleased to chair the October 20 event as we introduce J Street to the community. If you would like to attend, please email me at: To learn more about J Street, you can visit the web site,, or contact me.
Formal invitations to the October 20 event at Mt. Zion, with an RSVP email address, will be sent out soon. Click here for a pdf invitation with all the information about J Street’s October 20th Event.