Alef List: Events 4 Hip Jews

The best events of the next couple of weeks, November 17th through December 2nd, are all connected to music in one way or another. There’s the spirited Instrumental Minyan at Beth El, a super hip concert at the Varsity Theatre, and the Minneapolis Jewish Federation’s Super Sunday, notably the After Dark party featuring karaoke. Now I may be biased, but I find the musical experience among the most religious of all experiences. Nevertheless, whether you want to be a part of it, or simply appreciate the talents of others, get out there and have a great couple of weeks. There will be plenty of time for sitting around during Thanksgiving.

The Quintessential Single Parent Dating Question

At what point in a relationship do you introduce your children to your special friend? The easy answer is, “Whenever you know that the relationship has a good chance of being long term”. It’s an accurate answer, safe, uncontroversial, at times realistic, and very boring. I’m not ready to accept that one, at least for this discussion. I want something more.

On the Death of Zev Aelony, Minneapolis Civil Rights Activist

It’s not every day that you hear about someone who was jailed and charged with a crime deserving of the death penalty for helping to register African-Americans to vote in the South. Or someone who was beaten and jailed in Alabama for protesting the murder of a postal worker.

Shavua Tov: This Week’s Jewish News

Shavua Tov. A lot happened in Jewish news this week. The Forward announced its top 50 Jews list, Iowa’s kosher meatpacker got slapped with some major convictions, Jerusalem’s 9/11 memorial was unveiled, and Jews had another big conference in DC. Read on to see what you missed, and a special treat (free music) at the end. Have a great rest of your weekend. Shalom!

You’re invited: Attend a JFCS Focus Group, and Get Free Tickets to See Comedian John Pinette

Jewish Family and Children’s Service of Minneapolis would like to give you a free dinner Thursday, Nov. 19, and two free tickets to see hilarious comedian John Pinette at our Annual Benefit on Saturday, Dec. 5, in exchange for . . . your thoughts! The dinner on the 19th will be at FIVE Event Center (2917 Bryant Ave. S. Minneapolis) starting at 6 p.m. Be one of the first 15 to RSVP to me at to reserve your spot!

PopRocks: It’s No Sacrifice, Just a Simple Word

This past Shabbat, the rabbi at my congregation here in New York spoke on last week’s parsha, Va-era. This parsha includes the Akeidah, the binding of Isaac, and the rabbi spoke on this topic for the first time in several years. He spoke about sacrifices; he sang a song that Leonard Cohen wrote but Judy Collins covered; he talked about parents sending their children as soldiers; he spoke about violence that parents send their children into. Is anyone surprised that I immediately thought about reality television?

The Twin Cities’ Jewish Art Hub: Rimon

Did you know that there was a local Jewish Arts Council, cultivating Jewish arts from theatre to photography, music to sculpture, and dance to writing? It’s called Rimon and the 3rd season of its Artist Salon Series opens this Sunday, November 15th in conjunction with the Twin Cities Jewish Book Fair at the St. Paul JCC.

Super Sunday: It’s Time to Give Back

Remember those intense Torah study classes at the Talmud Torah of St. Paul or the Minneapolis Jewish Day School? Or that moving event on Israel organized by our local JCRC? Did you meet your best friend at Shabbat dinner at Hillel at the University of Minnesota? Or attend a play last year at the Minnesota Jewish Theatre? Perhaps you know someone who got their critical needs addressed by Jewish Family and Children’s Services in Minneapolis or St. Paul.

Shavua Tov: This Week’s Jewish News

This week’s Jewish news review is mostly about Minnesota political figures, in honor of election week (I hope you all voted). Check out which Minnesotan legislators are making national news and why. Listen to Matisyahu’s rockin’ song that’s making him famous world over, just in time for the Winter Olympics. And check out a little tidbit about the Texas shooter you might not have known.