Ask Shuli: Passover Dilemma

Dear Shuli: It’s my favorite holiday, but this year I’m anxious about the upcoming Pesach (Passover). My mom recently remarried … Her new husband is Jewish, but totally secular. Should I invite both of them to our seder, or just her? — Passed Over

What the Bleep: this week's news

A lot of crazy #&#%$* happens in the Jewish world each week. Don’t miss these stories on Leo and Bar’s hot union, Barack Obama’s Talmudic musings, the lox crisis, a crazy rabbi in Great Neck, and Joe Biden’s foot-in-the-mouth disease – or not.

An Interfaith Seder

What could be “interfaith” about a Seder? Aren’t Seders about gefilte fish and chicken soup, childhood memories of warm Jewish family gatherings, and a few Yiddish jokes thrown in?